I think it’s safe to say we’ve all been blind sided by this Corona Virus Pandemic. No one could have predicted this. We all been impacted in some way or another, and our economy is taking a huge hit. In today’s episode I want to offer some encouragement and give you some tips to still nurture your business, even though your office might be filled some extra employees.
There has been a lot of really great information surfacing about routines, schedules and how to keep your children engaged and learning, but I haven’t seen much out there to help us working mamas nurture our businesses while we face this unexpected interruption.
Strategy 1 – Have a Positive Mindset
- Be Positive + Thankful – Instead of focusing on what we don’t have. Start making a gratitude/abundance list.
- I am super grateful this is happening while we have great weather in Arizona so hiking, bike rides and backyard time can still happen.
- I am grateful for the health of my family and my that I have a home
- I am grateful for technology – talking on the phone with my friends and family and courses + zoom calls (I’m catching up on several courses during my down time)
Connection Ideas To Play With Your Kids
If you play first, they will likely still want to play together after you’re back to work. Get your kids involved in what they want to do. Try to do what you can to support their ideas! Have them work together with their siblings to brainstorm.
Here are the ideas we came up with:
- Build a Fort
- Play Veterinarian (make a fun check up list and print them out on a clip board)
- Play Office (print up pretend checks, get the cash register out, fake phone/keyboard and let them go to town)
- Bake Cookies
- Play sports outside
- Hide + Seek is always really fun
- Make a city out of recyclable products
- Make a scrapbook – print out pictures off your computer
- Make their own coloring book – getcoloringpages.com
- Go on a bike ride
- Go Hiking
- Nature Walk
- Puppet Show
- Encourage kids to put on a play
Let us not focus on the lack of time we have now that our kids are home, but instead be grateful for the pockets of time we do have.
Strategy 2 – Rearrange Your Schedule + Prioritize Tasks
Kids being home has made this more difficult so we have to be strategic, I can only speak for my circumstances but he is what I’ve resorted to:
- Early Morning – Before my kids wake up, I do my quiet time, read my bible and journal, then I do a brain dump and start organizing and prioritizing my tasks
- Morning Routine – same as usual (I have an entire podcast episode all about this)
- After breakfast – right into connection with my kids 30-60 minutes of playing games
- Outside Time – ride bikes at the park, go out back and play – I work during this 50 minute block and then do 10 minutes of connection with them
- Family Contribution Time – 15 minutes tidy + laundry if necessary
- Lunch Time
- Quiet Time – 1.5 hours in their rooms and 30 minutes of sibling time – This is my huge block of work time!!
- Let your kids be kids
- Say yes more often
- Don’t worry so much about the mess
Strategy 3 – What to Work On In Your Business
It is more important now than ever for us to be intentional with our time and work smarter and more efficiently
- Let’s not get stuck in this limiting belief that our businesses are on hold. No one wants to spend money right now, or that we have to give things away for free. Your business does not have to stop altogether. If we all stop selling, our small business community is going to crumble.
- For some of you, work might easily be able to go on without much interruption but for others, myself included, whose work requires face to face interactions, we are in uncharted territory.
- Here are some things we can be focusing on right now
- Client communication – make sure your current clients hear from you first
- Client Work
- Systems + Automations
- Writing content
- Ask past clients for reviews
- Update your website
- If you have digital courses or products now is the time to market those
- If you can provide value in any way to someone and teach something, you can charge a small $5-10 like we did for this meeting and put together a presentation to train people on something they need help with right now.
Strategy 4 – Be Patient
- Remember to be patient with yourself, your kiddos and your spouse.
- You’re in uncharted territory, you will adjust, but give yourself grace
- If you notice them needing you frequently, they are begging for attention and just don’t know how to let you know, be sure to implement that 10 minute connection time between each 50 minute block of time
- Find me on Instagram: @thepurposegathering
- Website: thepurposegathering.com
- Online Workshop: Thriving With Purpose – A Road Map to Your Most Purposeful Life
- Join our Facebook Community
- Coloring Pages: Get Coloring Pages and Coloring Home

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