
Ep 191. Leverage Your Cycle with Renae Fieck

I'm Ashley!

My mission at The Purpose Gathering is to help driven momtogs like you level up, so you can build a sustainable business AND a fulfilling family life. I do that through authentic brand photography and my signature program for mompreneurs: The Efficient Mompreneur.

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Do you ever feel like your energy and productivity fluctuate wildly throughout the month, leaving you frustrated and wondering why you can’t maintain consistent performance?

You’re not alone, mama. The secret to unlocking your full potential might be closer than you think – it’s in your menstrual cycle.

Your menstrual cycle might hold the key to unlocking your full potential.

In this blog, you’ll discover how understanding your cycle can be a game-changer for your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. Learn why your “bad” week might actually be your secret weapon, how to leverage each phase of your cycle for peak performance, and practical strategies to start cycle syncing, even with a busy schedule.

Today, we’re diving deep into the world of cycle syncing with the amazing Renae Fieck, an occupational therapist turned women’s health advocate who’s revolutionizing how we approach our menstrual cycles.

Who is Renae Fieck?

Renae Fieck is a mom of three from San Diego who helps women leverage their menstrual cycles, bodies, and feminine energy to lead their lives intentionally rather than being passive recipients. With her background in occupational therapy, Renae brings a unique perspective to women’s health and professional growth.

The Journey to Cycle Syncing

Renae’s path to cycle syncing wasn’t a straight line. Here’s what led her to this game-changing approach:

A whirlwind year in 2015 involving:

  • Discovering she was pregnant
  • Landing her dream job at a children’s hospital after multiple applications
  • Her husband’s unexpected brain tumor diagnosis
  • A year filled with ER visits, seizures, brain surgery, and having a baby

Realization that life is short and unpredictable:

  • Initial attempt at hustling in a network marketing business:
  • Seeking financial and time freedom
  • Maximizing every spare moment for work (e.g., pumping while messaging clients)

Burnout and dissatisfaction with the “do more” mentality:

  • Reaching out to a mentor for advice
  • Being told to simply “do more” to achieve better results
  • Realizing this approach was unsustainable and unfulfilling

Discovery of how the menstrual cycle impacts daily life and performance:

  • Researching ways to become more effective and consistent
  • Learning about the menstrual cycle as an “operating system” for women’s bodies
  • Applying cycle syncing principles to her own life and business
  • Sharing insights with clients and seeing transformative results

Understanding Feminine and Masculine Energy

Before we dive into cycle syncing, it’s crucial to understand the concept of feminine and masculine energy:

Masculine energy:

  • Logical and methodical in approach
  • Outcome-oriented and focused on results
  • Emphasizes doing, providing, and achieving
  • Often associated with planning, organization, and future-focused thinking
  • Tends to be more rigid and structured

Feminine energy:

  • Creative and spontaneous in nature
  • Flow-oriented and adaptable
  • Focuses on being present and receiving
  • Associated with intuition, emotion, and sensuality
  • Emphasizes connection, collaboration, and nurturing

Balance of energies:

  • Both men and women possess both types of energy
  • Society often pushes towards a more masculine-driven approach
  • Learning to tap into feminine energy can lead to greater creativity and well-being
  • The goal is to find a harmonious balance between both energies

The Four Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle

Your menstrual cycle isn’t just about your period – it’s a complex dance of hormones that affects every aspect of your life. Renae breaks it down into four distinct phases:

Menstrual Phase (Recharge/Visionary Phase)

  • Lowest energy levels due to hormone depletion
  • Perfect for planning and setting goals for the upcoming month
  • Ideal time for introspection and connecting with your subconscious
  • Great for visioning and aligning with your true desires
  • Typically lasts 3-7 days, with energy starting to rise around day 4

Follicular Phase (Accelerate Phase)

  • Rising energy and excitement as estrogen levels increase
  • Great for brainstorming and starting new projects
  • Increased creativity and momentum to put plans into action
  • Optimal time for taking risks and trying new things
  • Usually lasts 7-10 days, leading up to ovulation

Ovulation Phase (Connect Phase)

  • Peak energy and confidence due to high estrogen levels
  • Ideal for networking, public speaking, and social media engagement
  • Enhanced communication skills and magnetic presence
  • Best time for important meetings, interviews, or presentations
  • Typically occurs around day 14 of a 28-day cycle, lasting 3-5 days

Luteal Phase (Reflect Phase)

  • Heightened emotions and sensitivity as progesterone rises
  • Perfect for processing emotions and addressing limiting beliefs
  • Great time for writing emotionally resonant content or sales copy
  • Increased attention to detail and ability to spot areas for improvement
  • Lasts about 10-14 days, with energy and mood gradually declining

The Luteal Phase: Embrace, Don’t Fear

Many women dread the luteal phase, but Renae suggests a different approach:

Understand that heightened emotions are normal and can be valuable:

  • Recognize that mood swings are part of your natural cycle
  • Use emotional intensity to gain insights into your true feelings and needs

Use this time for self-reflection and addressing underlying issues:

  • Journal about recurring thoughts or emotions
  • Identify patterns in your behavior or reactions

Communicate your needs to family and colleagues:

  • Let them know you might need extra support during this time
  • Explain how your energy and focus might shift

Implement strategies to manage intense emotions constructively:

  • Practice mindfulness or meditation to stay grounded
  • Engage in gentle exercise or yoga to release tension
  • Create a nurturing environment for yourself (e.g., cozy spaces, comforting routines)

Tracking Your Cycle: It’s Not Just About Your Period

For those with irregular cycles, Renae has a game-changing tip: focus on tracking ovulation.

Here’s why:

Ovulation is the key indicator of your cycle:

  • It’s more consistent than the start of your period
  • Helps predict the timing of other phases

It occurs 10-14 days before your next period:

  • This timeframe is relatively stable, even in irregular cycles
  • Allows you to plan for upcoming phases more accurately

Tracking methods:

  • Basal body temperature: Take your temperature first thing each morning
  • Wearable devices like Oura Ring or Apple Watch: Continuously monitor body temperature

Observing physical symptoms:

  • Changes in cervical mucus (becomes clearer and more elastic near ovulation)
  • Energy levels (typically peak around ovulation)
  • Mood changes (often more positive and outgoing near ovulation)

Benefits of tracking ovulation:

  • Helps predict your next period, even with irregular cycles
  • Allows you to plan activities and workload around your natural energy levels
  • Provides insights into your overall health and hormonal balance

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Trying to change everything at once

Start with small, 10% changes:

  • Choose one area to focus on, such as adjusting your workout routine
  • Gradually incorporate cycle awareness into your daily life

Build momentum with small successes:

  • Celebrate the positive changes you notice
  • Use these wins as motivation to expand your cycle syncing practice

Relying too heavily on apps and generic cycle graphics

Listen to your unique body’s needs:

  • Pay attention to how you actually feel, not just what the app says
  • Notice patterns specific to your own cycle and lifestyle

Adapt cycle syncing to your individual lifestyle and values:

  • Consider your work schedule, family commitments, and personal goals
  • Create a personalized approach that works for your specific situation

Ignoring body cues

Pay attention to hunger, thirst, and bathroom needs:

  • Set reminders to check in with your body throughout the day
  • Practice mindfulness to increase body awareness

Responding to these cues helps build trust with your body:

  • Recognize that honoring your body’s needs improves overall well-being
  • Notice how addressing cues promptly affects your energy and mood

Practical Tips for Cycle Syncing

Ready to dive in? Here are some practical steps to begin your cycle syncing journey:

  1. Start tracking your cycle, paying special attention to ovulation:
    • Use a combination of methods (apps, physical symptoms, temperature) for accuracy
    • Note patterns in your energy, mood, and physical sensations
  2. Observe how you feel during different phases of your cycle:
    • Keep a journal to record your observations
    • Look for recurring patterns in productivity, creativity, and social energy
  3. Gradually adjust your schedule and tasks to align with your energy levels:
    • Plan high-energy tasks during your follicular and ovulation phases
    • Schedule reflective or detail-oriented work for your luteal phase
    • Allow for rest and visioning during your menstrual phase
  4. Be flexible and willing to adapt as you learn more about your body:
    • Recognize that every cycle may be slightly different
    • Adjust your approach based on what works best for you
  5. Practice self-compassion and patience throughout the process:
    • Remember that cycle syncing is a skill that takes time to develop
    • Be kind to yourself as you learn and grow

By implementing these expanded strategies, you’ll be well on your way to harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle for personal and professional growth.

Remember, it’s all about tuning in to your body’s natural rhythms and working with them, not against them!, it’s all about tuning in to your body’s natural rhythms and working with them, not against them!

Quotes to Note:

“Our menstrual cycle impacts how we show up every single day. It’s like the operating system in the background impacting how we function, how we think, how we create, how fast we do it, how effectively we are.” – Renee Fick

“A big part of helping women is learning how to tap back into more of that feminine – the creativity, the flow, the fun, the sensuality, the feeling. Because that is where a lot of our strength lies.” – Renae Fieck

“Your menstrual phase is that checkpoint of like pause, slow down, let’s take a break. Let’s actually go plan, let’s set a vision.” – Renae Fieck

“My biggest mission is to help women learn to trust themselves again. How do I make decisions that are right for me and not right for maybe you or my friend down the street?” – Renae Fieck

“Your body is the vehicle taking you and helping you create your dreams and your goals and all of the things. Why would we not nourish that? Why would we not support that?” – Renae Fieck

Connect with Renae: Renae Fieck | Website | Youtube | Instagram | Facebook  
FREEBIE: Discover 3 Secrets to How Your Menstrual Cycle Can Create More Income & Impact

Renae is a mom of 3, occupational therapist, and breathwork facilitator. She helps high achieving women unlock the power of their cycles so that they can achieve their wildest dreams. Through her method, she helps women balance the demands of life, make a bigger impact, and get bigger results without adding more stress or needing more time. She’s the host of Cycle Advantage Podcast. She can be found at

Thank you for spending part of your day with me.

And as always, mama, I am here rooting for you and you are not alone on this journey.

Complimentary Episodes:

  1. Ep 65. Creative Unconventional Self-Care Ideas
  2. Ep 63. Routines that Energize Moms with Ashley Brown
  3. Ep 38. 5 Steps to Make Self-Care a Priority
  4. Ep 37. It’s Not About the Bubble Bath + Other Self-Care Myths
  5. Browse All Self-Care Related Episodes


  1. Ideal Week Blueprint – Get the clarity and tools you need to take control of your calendar and align your week with your goals and priorities.
  2. Join the Profit Shift Challenge – 14 Day challenge to to Optimize Your Limited Time & Maximize your Revenue as a Mompreneur 
  3. Need support managing your time well and creating systems to streamline your Photography Business? Join the Efficient Mompreneur (12 Month Group Coaching Program)
  4. Message me on Voxer (My username is afreehan)
  5. Have a question for me? Or a specific struggle you’re dealing with? I’ll address your question on the podcast. Submit your ‘Ask Ashley’ question here
  6. Local to Gilbert/Mesa Arizona (For Mom Business Owners) Join our in person membership community

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My mission is to help fellow mom business owners experience success in business and in motherhood. As an Arizona brand photographer for mompreneurs, I’m passionate about capturing authentic images that show off my clients’ unique personalities so they can connect with their ideal clients. And as an online business coach for mompreneurs, I LIVE for helping mamas experience incredible transformations that help them build a business they love, without sacrificing their precious time with their littles.

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