Did you know The average stay-at-home mom spends over 80 hours per week, caring for their family. That’s like having two full-time jobs.
You have a to-do list that’s a mile-long, a house full of responsibilities, and endless demands on your time from your adorable kiddos.
But what about you time?
I am specifically talking about alone time for you to do whatever you want to do.
I want to share with you some tips for how to regularly escape the daily hustle, and enjoy that precious you time.
I feel like too many moms out there really struggle to find this time and not only find it but to find it consistently. And to make it something that is just a regular part of your routine.
I’d love for you to hop on over to Voxer and let me know your answer to this question:
This Week’s Voxer Question: How much time do you regularly get away from your kiddos?
As we dive into this topic, I want you to remember one thing:
The key to getting regular time to yourself away from your kids is just setting up something consistently.
I’m not talking about time to work, and I’m not talking about time to do things around the house like chores.
I am strictly talking about things that light you up, and things that you want to do that make you feel rested and refilled.
Here are a few strategies and ideas for how you can get this regular time away from your kiddos.
1. Morning and Evening Routines
Typically, our kids have a pretty regular schedule. If yours don’t, I completely understand that can totally throw things off. But it is something that you can aspire to and work towards.
Having the same bedtime routine for your kiddos is really important. Even if they’re not going to bed at that time.
Think about creating a bedtime routine for your kids that will give both you and them that alone time.
And then also in the morning. Sometimes you’re gonna have to wake up before your kids.
And yes, that feels really hard, especially if you have early risers. So you might only get 30 minutes to yourself, but just little increments of increasing your time can go a long way.
I talk a lot about creating that boundary with them as well, so they know that they can wake up early, but that doesn’t mean that they’re allowed to come down early.
2. Plan Ahead With Your Spouse
This is really key because having this open communication with your spouse is going to be so helpful. Letting him know what you need, and asking him what he needs is so crucial.
Maybe you guys have designated nights of the week that you go out.
Now maybe that’s too much. Maybe it’s twice a month, you get to go out regularly and you plan for that day.
What I’m talking about is looking at the month ahead and saying, “Okay, I really need some time, when am I going to slot it in?”
Because we all know that if we don’t plan for something, it’s not going to happen. And so we have to be diligent and we have to be consistent.
3. Trade Babysitting With Another Mom
Try a babysitting swap with another mom.
Better yet, see if you could perhaps form a babysitting Co-Op with several of your friends. So essentially, how this would work is each mom would take turns watching all the kids. And this would allow all the other moms to enjoy uninterrupted free time.
Bonus Tips
- Plan your next night out with friends before you leave your girls night!
- Get a girls weekend trip on the calendar!
It’s just really important that you are thinking ahead about how you are taking care of yourself. And I just cannot emphasize it enough that it is crucial for you to think about this ahead of time.
I love having a personal CEO date and this is a great time to make the plans for your self-care day.
Because I think that’s the hardest part for all of us is we have these great ideas, we have these great intentions, but we just aren’t fully sure how to execute them. And so I think having the regular check in with yourself is so important.
Sometimes it’s just as simple as reaching out to friends and starting the conversation that actually gets something booked.
Maybe you feel like it’s too much ask your husband to handle the kids for too long. Practice this with him, and equip him to be able to handle them on his own.
Maybe you also just need to let go of some of that control and help him to feel confident in hanging out with the kids and putting them to bed.
I’d love to hear your specific situation, so reach out to me over on Voxer and let me help you workshop your situation to help you get those self-care days on your schedule!
I think it’s absolutely crucial to have that time. If you want to enjoy your motherhood and if you want to be the best mother, wife, and business owner that you can be you have to take care of yourself.
And sometimes taking care of yourself means getting away, being around adults, and doing the things that light you up that you love.
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