
Ep 189. Take Control of Your Time By Implementing Your Ideal Week

Your Ideal Week
I'm Ashley!

My mission at The Purpose Gathering is to help driven momtogs like you level up, so you can build a sustainable business AND a fulfilling family life. I do that through authentic brand photography and my signature program for mompreneurs: The Efficient Mompreneur.

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How to Optimize Your Limited Time & Maximize your Revenue as a Mompreneur 

Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed and stressed about managing your time?

Do you miss the carefree days of childhood when someone else planned your schedule? It’s time to take control of your time and create the life you want. In this post, we’ll explore the concept of the “Ideal Week” and how it can transform your approach to time management, especially for busy parents and entrepreneurs.

The Importance of Time Management

Before we dive into the Ideal Week strategy, let’s consider why managing our time effectively is so crucial:

  • Poor time management can lead to stress, frustration, and even explosive reactions to minor issues
  • Disorganization in one area of life can affect all others, creating a domino effect of chaos
  • Our schedule reflects our priorities and who we want to become
  • Effective time management sets a positive example for our children

A Personal Story

Let me share a recent experience that highlights the importance of good time management.

On my birthday, I found myself uncharacteristically stressed and irritable. It all started with an unfolded pile of laundry and escalated to snapping at my family over minor issues. This situation made me realize that my time management needed an overhaul to prevent such stressful episodes.

What is an Ideal Week?

An Ideal Week is essentially a budget for your time. It involves:

  • Allocating specific tasks to certain times
  • Including both personal and business-related activities
  • Creating a framework to follow when scheduling events
  • Balancing productivity with self-care and family time

Think of it as a proactive approach to your schedule, rather than a reactive one. Instead of letting your week happen to you, you’re designing it intentionally.

Benefits of Creating an Ideal Week

Implementing an Ideal Week can:

  1. Help you prioritize what’s most important
  2. Provide accountability for scheduling
  3. Allow your family to know what to expect
  4. Create a balance between work and personal life
  5. Reduce decision fatigue by pre-planning routine activities
  6. Ensure important tasks don’t fall through the cracks
  7. Help you say “no” to activities that don’t align with your priorities
  8. Increase productivity by batching similar tasks

How to Create Your Ideal Week

Follow these steps to design your Ideal Week:

  1. Brainstorm your priorities and recurring activities
  2. Plan your non-negotiables:
    • Self-care (e.g., exercise, meditation, hobbies)
    • Intentional family time (e.g., family game nights, outings)
    • Special time with each child
    • Date night with your spouse
  3. Add regular commitments (e.g., church, sports, family activities)
  4. Include wake-up and bedtime boundaries
  5. Add time for transitions and tidying
  6. Schedule meals and snack times
  7. Account for drive times
  8. Leave room for free time and margin
  9. Block out work hours or childcare times
  10. Try to keep your schedule consistent week to week

Detailed Breakdown of an Ideal Week

Let’s look at how you might structure different parts of your Ideal Week:

Morning Routine (5:30 AM – 7:30 AM)

  • Wake up at 5:30 AM
  • 15 minutes of meditation or journaling
  • 45 minutes of exercise
  • Shower and get ready for the day
  • 15 minutes of reading or planning

Work Blocks (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM)

  • Focus on high-priority tasks in the morning
  • Schedule meetings in the afternoon
  • Include short breaks every 90 minutes

Family Time (3:00 PM – 7:30 PM)

  • Pick up kids from school
  • Homework and after-school activities
  • Family dinner
  • Evening walk or playtime

Evening Routine (7:30 PM – 10:00 PM)

  • Kids’ bedtime routine
  • Couple time or personal hobbies
  • Planning for the next day
  • Wind down and prepare for sleep

Tips for a Successful Ideal Week

  • Color-code your schedule for easy visual reference (e.g., green for family time, blue for work)
  • Include family contributions and decluttering time
  • Schedule regular CEO dates for personal and business planning
  • Plan for sibling time if you have multiple children
  • Be prepared to say no to maintain your ideal schedule
  • Review and adjust your Ideal Week regularly

Implementing Specific Strategies

Based on my personal experience, here are some specific strategies you might want to incorporate:

  1. Zone Decluttering: Assign different areas of your home to specific days for decluttering.
  2. 5-Minute Tidy: After each meal, do a quick 5-minute tidy-up with the whole family.
  3. Dish Duty Rotation: Alternate dish duty with your partner to avoid overwhelm.
  4. Daily Family Check-in: Use the “Rose, Bud, Thorn” game to connect with family members daily.
  5. Weekly Family Meeting: Hold a fun, positive family meeting to address any issues and plan the week ahead.

Overcoming Challenges

Creating an Ideal Week may seem overwhelming at first, but remember:

  • It’s okay to start with your current schedule and gradually make changes
  • You may need to disappoint people sometimes to maintain boundaries
  • Teaching time management to your children is a valuable life skill
  • Be flexible – life happens, and sometimes you’ll need to adjust

Dealing with Changing Schedules

If you have a job with varying shifts or unpredictable hours:

  • Create a consistent morning and evening routine
  • Have multiple Ideal Week templates for different work schedules
  • Focus on weekly goals rather than specific time blocks

The Impact of an Ideal Week

Implementing an Ideal Week can lead to:

  • Reduced stress and overwhelm
  • Improved mental health
  • Better family dynamics and communication
  • A more joyful and fulfilled life
  • Increased productivity in both personal and professional life
  • More intentional parenting and stronger relationships

Taking Action

Don’t just read about the Ideal Week – take action! Consider these next steps:

  1. Write down all your current responsibilities
  2. Create a draft of your Ideal Week
  3. Involve your family in the process
  4. Continuously refine and adjust your schedule as needed
  5. Use digital tools or a physical planner to track your Ideal Week
  6. Share your goals with a friend or spouse for accountability

The Importance of Flexibility

While having an Ideal Week is crucial, it’s equally important to remain flexible. Life doesn’t always go according to plan, and that’s okay. Your Ideal Week should serve as a guide, not a rigid set of rules. Be prepared to adjust when unexpected events arise, but always try to return to your ideal schedule when possible.

Remember, your calendar affects everything in your life, especially your mental health. By taking control of your time through the Ideal Week strategy, you’re setting yourself up for a more balanced, peaceful, and joyful life. It may take some time to perfect, but the benefits of having an Ideal Week far outweigh the initial effort of creating one.

Start small, be patient with yourself, and watch as your life transforms through better time management. Your future self will thank you for the time and effort you invest today in creating your Ideal Week.

Thank you for spending part of your day with me.

And as always, mama, I am here rooting for you and you are not alone on this journey.

Complimentary Episodes:

  1. Ep 183. Transform Your Workday Starting with a Strategic Business Meeting
  2. Ep 169. Create a Morning Routine that Fosters Wellness
  3. Ep 157. How to Regularly Get Time Away from Your Kids
  4. Ep. 131 Homeschooling and Working Only 15 Hours a Week
  5. Browse All Productivity Related Episodes


  1. Ideal Week Blueprint – Get the clarity and tools you need to take control of your calendar and align your week with your goals and priorities.
  2. Join the Profit Shift Challenge – 14 Day challenge to to Optimize Your Limited Time & Maximize your Revenue as a Mompreneur.
  3. Need support managing your time well and creating systems to streamline your Photography Business? Join the Efficient Mompreneur (12 Week Group Coaching Program).
  4. Message me on Voxer (My username is afreehan).
  5. Have a question for me? Or a specific struggle you’re dealing with? I’ll address your question on the podcast. Submit your ‘Ask Ashley’ question here.
  6. Local to Gilbert/Mesa Arizona (For Mom Business Owners) Join our in person membership community.

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My mission is to help fellow mom business owners experience success in business and in motherhood. As an Arizona brand photographer for mompreneurs, I’m passionate about capturing authentic images that show off my clients’ unique personalities so they can connect with their ideal clients. And as an online business coach for mompreneurs, I LIVE for helping mamas experience incredible transformations that help them build a business they love, without sacrificing their precious time with their littles.

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Struggling to juggle your business and family life? Join me  for daily challenges, some of which include a video lesson, containing time-saving systems and strategies to streamline both your business and personal life. In just two weeks, you'll learn how to maximize your productivity, boost your revenue, and finally create the work/life balance you've been craving as a mompreneur.


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