
Ep 194. Crafting The Business You ACTUALLY Want

I'm Ashley!

My mission at The Purpose Gathering is to help driven momtogs like you level up, so you can build a sustainable business AND a fulfilling family life. I do that through authentic brand photography and my signature program for mompreneurs: The Efficient Mompreneur.

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How to Optimize Your Limited Time & Maximize your Revenue as a Mompreneur 

As a mompreneur, have you ever paused to ask yourself if you’re building the business you actually want, or just the business you think you’re supposed to have?

This question stopped me in my tracks six months ago when I heard it at a conference, and it’s completely transformed my approach to entrepreneurship.

Today, I want to take you on a deep dive into the process of crafting a business that truly aligns with your desires, values, and life goals.

The Wake-Up Call: Are You Living Your Business Dream?

Before we dive in, let me share a bit of my story.

For eight years, I ran a successful photography business. I had invested time, money, and energy into building it. But deep down, I knew it wasn’t my ultimate calling.

It wasn’t until I started The Purpose Gathering that I felt I was truly living out my business dream.

This journey taught me a valuable lesson: Just because you’re good at something, or because you’ve invested a lot in it, doesn’t mean it’s the business you actually want.

So, let’s explore how you can craft a business that not only succeeds but also fulfills you.

1. Define Your Why: The Foundation of Your Dream Business

The cornerstone of any successful and fulfilling business is a clear understanding of why you’re doing it. Let’s dive deep into your motivations:

Reflective Questions:

  • Why do you want this specific business you’re currently running?
  • What’s better about owning your business than working for someone else?
  • What keeps you going when things get tough?
  • Is your mission bigger than yourself? How so?
  • How big of an impact can you make with your current business model?

The Importance of a Driving Force

Having a strong “why” isn’t just about feeling good. It’s about having a driving force that pushes you forward when things get challenging.

For instance, my “why” with The Purpose Gathering is to empower mom business owners to feel equipped to enjoy motherhood while also growing a business. This mission keeps me motivated, even on the toughest days.


Take 15-20 minutes to journal through these questions. Be brutally honest with yourself. If you find your answers lacking enthusiasm or clarity, it might be time to reassess your business direction.

2. Design Your Ideal Work Schedule: Balancing Business and Life

As mompreneurs, we often fall into the trap of working in every spare moment. But is that what you really want? Let’s break this down:

Reflective Questions:

  • How many hours do you want to work each week?
  • Do you want to work nights or weekends?
  • What would your ideal work day look like?
  • How does your current schedule align with your family’s needs and your personal goals?

The Reality Check: Your Time is Valuable

Here’s a hard truth: If you wouldn’t work these hours for someone else, why are you doing it for yourself? It’s crucial to value your time and ensure you’re compensated appropriately for it.

The Myth of “Always Working

There’s a pervasive myth in entrepreneurship that you need to be working 24/7 to succeed. But that’s not sustainable, especially for moms. I’ve found that I can run a successful business working 10-15 hours a week. It’s about working smarter, not harder.


Map out your ideal work week. Be specific about work hours, family time, and personal time. Then, compare it to your current schedule. What changes can you start implementing today?

3. Align Your Business with Your Life Goals: The Big Picture Perspective

Your business should be a vehicle to achieve your life goals, not an obstacle to them. Let’s think big picture:

Reflective Questions:

  • What are your long-term family and personal goals?
  • How much revenue do you need (and want) to provide for your family?
  • How does your business help achieve these goals?
  • What lifestyle do you want your business to support?

My Personal Revelation

I realized I want my business to fund early retirement for my husband, allow us to pay off our house in 8-10 years, enable us to travel the world with our kids, and provide a cushy college fund. Once I clearly defined these goals, it changed how I approached my business strategy.

The Power of Quantifying Your Goals

When you put actual numbers to your goals, they become more tangible and achievable. For instance, instead of saying “I want to make more money,” specify “I want to make $X per month to cover our expenses and save $Y for our dream vacation.”


Create a vision board or a detailed written description of your ideal life 5, 10, and 20 years from now. How does your business fit into this vision? What needs to change to make this vision a reality?

4. Craft a Business Structure and Growth Strategy That Fits You

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to business growth. Your strategy should play to your strengths and align with your values.

Reflective Questions:

  • Do you enjoy social media marketing, or does it feel like a chore?
  • What unique skills do you have that you can leverage?
  • Are there unconventional approaches that might work better for you?
  • How do you prefer to connect with your audience?

Finding Your Unique Path

Don’t feel pressured to follow trends or replicate someone else’s success formula. For example, I focus on relationship-building and podcasting rather than heavy social media marketing. Why? Because it aligns with my strengths and feels authentic to me.

The Power of Relationships

In my experience, building genuine relationships is one of the most powerful (and often overlooked) business growth strategies. Whether it’s through a podcast, in-person events, or one-on-one connections, find a way to build real relationships with your audience and peers.


List your top 5 strengths and 5 things you enjoy most about running your business. Now, brainstorm ways to build your growth strategy around these elements.

5. Envision Long-Term Success and Optimize Operations

Thinking long-term isn’t just about setting big goals. It’s about creating a sustainable business that can grow and evolve with you.

Reflective Questions:

  • What would your business look like if you could pass it down to your children?
  • If you could only do one thing in your business for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • How can you start building the team and systems now to support your future vision?
  • What parts of your business do you want to automate or delegate?

Embracing an Abundance Mindset

Don’t be afraid to dream big. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Adopt an expansive, “I can” mindset.

For a long time, I limited myself by saying things like “I don’t need a million-dollar business.” But why not? If it aligns with your goals and values, why not aim high?

Building for the Future

Even if you’re not ready to hire a full team now, start thinking about what that team might look like. What roles will you need to fill? What systems need to be in place? Starting this planning now will make growth smoother when the time comes.


Write a job description for your future self in your dream business. What are your main responsibilities? What have you delegated? How much time are you working? Use this as a roadmap for building your business.

6. Implement Spiritual Alignment (If It Resonates with You)

For those who are spiritually inclined, aligning your business with your faith can provide additional guidance and purpose.

Reflective Questions:

  • How does your faith inform your business decisions?
  • In what ways can your business be a reflection of your spiritual values?
  • How can you incorporate your spiritual practices into your work routine?

My Spiritual Business Approach

This year, I put on my vision board that Jesus would be my CEO. I committed to doing a “business meeting with God” before every work block. This practice has transformed how I approach decisions and challenges in my business.


If this resonates with you, try implementing a spiritual practice in your business routine for a week. This could be prayer, meditation, or simply setting an intention. Reflect on how it impacts your work and decision-making.

Your Action Plan: Crafting Your Dream Business

  1. Set aside dedicated time to journal through the questions in this post. Be brutally honest with yourself about what you truly want.
  2. Create a detailed vision board or written description of your ideal business and life.
  3. Identify three areas where your current business doesn’t align with your vision, and brainstorm ways to change them.
  4. Choose one small change you can implement this week to move towards your ideal business model.
  5. Schedule a monthly “business alignment check-in” with yourself to ensure you’re staying on track with your vision.

Remember, crafting the business you want is an ongoing process. It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right now.

The important thing is to start asking the right questions and making intentional decisions about your business’s direction.

As you work through this process, know that you’re not alone.

I’d love to hear about your journey and the business you’re crafting.

Share a screenshot of your favorite tip from this post on Instagram and tag me @thepurposegathering – let’s inspire other mamas to build businesses they truly love!

Until next time, keep shining that beautiful light of yours. You’re doing amazing things, even when you don’t realize it.

And remember, when you craft a business you actually want, you’re not just building a successful enterprise – you’re creating a fulfilling life for yourself and your family.

Thank you for spending part of your day with me.

And as always, mama, I am here rooting for you and you are not alone on this entrepreneurial journey.


Complimentary Episodes:

  1. Ep 186. Unlocking Your Potential from Playing Small to Dreaming Big
  2. Ep 183. Transform Your Workday Starting with a Strategic Business Meeting
  3. Ep 171. Implement Weekly CEO Dates For Strategic Growth
  4. Ep 168. The Goal that Changes Everything
  5. Browse All Business Related Episodes


  1. Ideal Week Blueprint – Get the clarity and tools you need to take control of your calendar and align your week with your goals and priorities.
  2. Join the Profit Shift Challenge – 14 Day challenge to to Optimize Your Limited Time & Maximize your Revenue as a Mompreneur 
  3. Need support managing your time well and creating systems to streamline your business? Join the Efficient Mompreneur (12 Month Group Coaching Program)
  4. Message me on Voxer (My username is afreehan)
  5. Have a question for me? Or a specific struggle you’re dealing with? I’ll address your question on the podcast. Submit your ‘Ask Ashley’ question here
  6. Local to Gilbert/Mesa Arizona (For Mom Business Owners) Join our in person membership community

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My mission is to help fellow mom business owners experience success in business and in motherhood. As an Arizona brand photographer for mompreneurs, I’m passionate about capturing authentic images that show off my clients’ unique personalities so they can connect with their ideal clients. And as an online business coach for mompreneurs, I LIVE for helping mamas experience incredible transformations that help them build a business they love, without sacrificing their precious time with their littles.

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free 14 day challenge

Profit Shift Challenge

Struggling to juggle your business and family life? Join me  for daily challenges, some of which include a video lesson, containing time-saving systems and strategies to streamline both your business and personal life. In just two weeks, you'll learn how to maximize your productivity, boost your revenue, and finally create the work/life balance you've been craving as a mompreneur.


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