
Ep 57. Manage Your Life Like a CEO

I'm Ashley!

My mission at The Purpose Gathering is to help driven momtogs like you level up, so you can build a sustainable business AND a fulfilling family life. I do that through authentic brand photography and my signature program for mompreneurs: The Efficient Mompreneur.

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On today’s post, I’ll be sharing some key principles used by real-life successful CEO’s that you can implement into your own life.

But, before I go further, you may have heard about my monthly mastermind community called The Purpose Gathering Collective. As a photography business owner for over 10 years, I’ve really uncovered the two things that mompreneurs need the most: clarity around what to focus on and someone to hold you accountable. Once you know what to focus on and you have someone to hold you accountable, life will be so much easier. 

As we dive into how to manage your life like a CEO, I’m going to be talking to you a little bit about the support inside the collective and what you receive. First of all, a CEO needs to know how to lead and develop strategies that focus on efficiency and sustainability. They need to forecast areas of growth and set actionable and measurable goals to keep the mission moving forward. Now, I will show you how this same CEO idea can resonate in your personal life as well.

Step 1: Focus on What Matters

I feel like there are three foundational principles that every mompreneur needs to focus on:

  1. Solid self-care routine
  2. Strong family dynamic
  3. Simple business structure

Once you start to unpackage each of those principles, you’ll see that there’s a lot of meat underneath. Many mompreneurs get caught up in information overload where they see something new and want to apply it immediately. This can cause feelings of overwhelm because there’s just too much to do and they end up doing nothing instead.

Inside The Purpose Gathering Collective, I have taken all of that guesswork out for you. Through various masterclasses, you are learning these principles that you can actually tangibly put into action; the systems, strategies and mindset shifts, but also habits that are going to become part of your everyday life.

Step 2: Communicate with Trusted Advisors

There was a time in my business when I was so alone, and I hid a lot of my struggles from my spouse. I didn’t have any close friends who were moms and also business owners. It felt like no one understood my struggles and it was a really dark place for me. There was no one to turn to and I felt so hopeless.

I wished I had a community and group of mamas who understood what I was going through. Friends I could lean on and share my biggest struggles. A place to be vulnerable and receive help and support. It would have saved me so many years of heartache and so many stressed out moments in my life. It would’ve really improved my relationships with my children and my spouse too.

A CEO would not turn to random strangers and take their advice as truth. They would turn to people they trusted who knew their struggles and shared their same values. So I would caution you to be extremely careful who you listen to because there’s so much education out there. There are so many different paths to entrepreneurship, but you have to make sure that the person that you’re listening to, the guide that you choose, the trusted advisors in the community that you surround yourself with, are in alignment with who you want to become.

In addition to the education received inside The Collective, you’re also strategically placed in a small accountability group with other mamas. This is where you will grow deeper together and cultivate a meaningful relationship. These mamas inside your group can start to become your trusted advisors.

Step 3: Respond Instead of React

I think a lot of times we like to fly by the seat of our pants. We don’t want to be super structured or have a timeline telling us what we need to do every single second of the day. I used to have that mindset and I used to think, “You know what? I’ll be organized in my business, but in my personal life I’m just going to wing it.” Unfortunately that attitude created perpetual overwhelm. It created anxiety and stress because there was no system for completing tasks.

And a lot of the times I would react to situations instead of respond. And I finally got to the point where I didn’t want to be that person anymore. I want to be able to respond with confidence and understand the situation. I decided it was important to make a shift and I want to encourage you to make this same perspective shift. It’s actually absolutely crucial that you learn to plan ahead in both your business and personal life.  

Inside a Collective masterclass, I teach about the importance of planning for your personal life and how important it is to set goals and to revisit those goals. You also need to set aside time in your week where you strictly focus on the dynamic of your family and your relationship with your spouse. Sit down and ensure that you are focused on efficiency and sustainability, forecasting and projecting areas of growth, and setting actionable measurable goals.

It is so important that we (and I say we, because I am a part of this too) remember how crucial it is to the success of our family dynamic. I still experience the same things that you experience, the only difference is that I know how to recognize it faster and I know tips and strategies to correct it.

I cannot wait to meet you and to walk alongside you and to really help you go from overwhelmed to thriving CEO.


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My mission is to help fellow mom business owners experience success in business and in motherhood. As an Arizona brand photographer for mompreneurs, I’m passionate about capturing authentic images that show off my clients’ unique personalities so they can connect with their ideal clients. And as an online business coach for mompreneurs, I LIVE for helping mamas experience incredible transformations that help them build a business they love, without sacrificing their precious time with their littles.

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