1:1 Strategy Session | Your 2024 Action Plan 

Mama, you 
a clear and focused plan for 2024

Mama, you 
a clear and focused 
plan for 2024 


Are you're struggling to think about the big picture of your business and just want someone to walk you through the process and help you create your next quarter's action plan?

I would love to be your guide!! Get ready to take serious action during our 90 minute strategy session. You'll leave feeling so excited and empowered to conquer the rest of 2024!! Check out what to expect below. 

how this session works: 

Step 1: Create Your Ideal Week 

Step 2: Brainstorm + Clarify Your Goals the rest of 2024

Step 2: Brainstorm + Clarify Your Goals
for 2024

Step 3: Break Down Your Goals into Sub Tasks 

i want this 

You'll receive a video walkthrough and template to create your ideal week prior to our session. This easy to follow 'master' weekly calendar will include your personal/work related items + time-blocks which will help you efficiently  plan each week.  

During our session, I will review your Ideal Week and help you make any necessary tweaks and adjustments. 

If you're lacking vision or need help deciding what to focus on, I'm here to help you organize your thoughts and prioritize what's most important that will help ignite massive growth in your business.

A lot of the time we fail to achieve our goals, because they are too general. We will break down each of your goals into smaller sub tasks that are actually 'check-off-able'.

Step 4: Let's map out your next quarter by creating a week by week action plan

This is the most important part of the process so that you can begin to schedule when these smaller tasks will actually happen. After our session, you'll be equipped with all the tools you need to effectively plan each quarter hereafter.

If you're ready to finish 2024 with a clear week-by-week action plan, then don't miss this opportunity. I'm so excited to partner with you and make 2024 your best year ever!! 

If you're ready to head into 2024 with a clear week-by-week action plan, then don't miss this opportunity. I'm so excited to partner with you and make 2024 your best year ever!! 

This is the most important part of the process so that you can begin to schedule when these smaller tasks will actually happen. After our session, you'll be equipped with all the tools you need to effectively plan each quarter hereafter.

Step 5: Use the week after our strategy session to chat with me on Voxer with final questions and clarification

Becoming familiar with and implementing this plan will take a little bit of time, so I'm giving you unlimited 1:1 access to me on Voxer (a voice messaging app) so that we can talk through any final questions you might be having or strategies you need for continued success in executing your new action plan. 






what you will
walk away with: 

How does this sound?

your ideal week and the knowldge you'll need to efficiently schedule your tasks

access to my task managment templates in asana to keep you organized and efficent 

1 week of 1:1 support on voxer after your strategy session

the recording of our session for reference as you quarterly plan in the future


the knowldge and confidence you need to plan and execute any future business goals 

 A CLEAR, ACTIONABLE Quarterly PLAN for you to start implementing