If you have found this community to be beneficial and you're ready to find ways you can plug in and be a part of growing our community we would love to have you on the team. Volunteers will be recognized on Social Media + during our Meet Ups. There are several areas you can plug in and volunteer. Each position requires minimal time commitment.
Playdate/Event coordinator - Someone to help plan 1-2 meet ups per month (example - Playdate, moms night out etc.)
Greeter - Someone to welcome people to our meet ups and direct guests to fill out name tags.
Instagram Investigator - Someone to search Instagram and compile a list of local or online businesses you think would be a great fit for our community. This list of businesses provides me with a launching point of who to reach out to about potential sponsorship opportunities. The perfect candidate is a company that has a service or a product that would help our mamas make their lives easier and more enjoyable.
Facebook Contributor - Someone who can help keep our Facebook community engaged. We would work closely on this position and come up with ideas of how to keep the conversation in our group flowing!
We are currently looking for speakers for our April and May meet ups. If you have knowledge you would like to share with our group relating to business, parenting, marriage or self-care please apply using our contact form. Let us know who you are, what you do, include links to you social media accounts and a few topics you'd be interested in covering.
We are looking to partner with local small businesses for our upcoming meet ups. Sponsorship options range from $35-100. We want to introduce our community to new businesses and products that can help enhance and make our lives easier and more enjoyable. If you're interested in more information please send us a message.
Are you interested in helping us grow our community reach globally? Do you want to hear more amazing content podcast style? Please considering donating to help us raise money to cover the expenses or our podcast launch. We appreciate any contribution large or small. Thank you for partnering with us to reach more women struggling to raise a family and grow a business they love.