
Ep 171. Implement Weekly CEO Dates For Strategic Growth

I'm Ashley!

My mission at The Purpose Gathering is to help driven momtogs like you level up, so you can build a sustainable business AND a fulfilling family life. I do that through authentic brand photography and my signature program for mompreneurs: The Efficient Mompreneur.

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How to Optimize Your Limited Time & Maximize your Revenue as a Mompreneur 

Do you ever sit down to work, only to find yourself overwhelmed by what to prioritize next, feeling confused and second-guessing your decisions?  

We are diving into the 3rd goal in our series that I think every mom photographer needs to have to make this year a huge success.

This one, very simple system has changed so much in my business just by carving out the time to think of the bigger picture of my business.

This is one of the very first steps to truly owning your role as the CEO and shifting your perspective away from the employee mindset.

While task completion is important, without a clear vision in regards to what those tasks should be, you might be wasting your time.

Implementing a weekly CEO date for strategic growth in your business has the potential to change everything for you.

I just did my first power hour the other day with an incredible photographer. We talked about all the struggles she was having within her business, and the ins and outs of how to workshop them.

One thing she said to me really stuck out and has stayed with me.

She said to me, “I haven’t nailed down my goals which then hinders me from having an action plan.”

My number one recommendation for her was to implement a CEO Date right away.

I would argue that the most important thing, when it comes to leading your business well, is to actually set aside time so that you can think about the future of your business.

Why this goal matters:

  • It shifts your mindset from the Employee mindset to the CEO mindset 
  • It gives you Clarity on Vision: Taking regular CEO dates allows mom photographers to step back from the day-to-day operations and focus on the bigger picture. It’s an opportunity to review their business goals, strategies, and progress. This high-level perspective is essential for making informed decisions that align with their long-term vision and goals.

How to make a CEO date a reality:

  • Commit to making this a priority: Write this on a sticky note: “I commit to a CEO date every week” Put it on your mirror until this becomes a habit. 
  • Set it on Repeat: Set up a time on repeat – Actually put it in your calendar on repeat, and tell your family about it. Treat the CEO date as a non-negotiable appointment with yourself, and don’t miss it! I recommend doing at least 2 hours a week, which might sound like a lot, but will be such a gift to you. (Check out my complimentary episode in the show notes below on exactly how to set this CEO day up.)
  • Make it fun! Go get a fun coffee, smoothie, or lunch and make this dates something you look forward to!
  • Set Clear Objectives: To maximize the efficiency of your CEO date, enter each session with a clear set of objectives. What do you hope to achieve? Whether it’s reviewing financials, setting strategic goals, or planning marketing efforts, etc. Having a specific focus can lead to more productive sessions.
  • Get Accountability: Find an Accountability Partner. This could be another mom photographer, a business mentor, or a friend. Share your goals and progress with them. Knowing someone else is aware of your objectives can motivate you to stick to your CEO dates.
  • Join a Mastermind Group: Being part of a group with similar business interests can offer support, inspiration, and accountability. Share your CEO date plans and outcomes with the group for additional motivation. Reach out to me for more information about my Efficient Mom Photographer program or head to for all the details!

What to do during your CEO date:

  • Reflect: During the reflection phase, take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your wins from the past week. Evaluate what’s working in your business right now + what’s not, check in on your physical and mental health, and assess any upcoming support you might need.
    • This stage is vital for resetting your mindset, acknowledging your progress, and identifying areas where adjustments are necessary to prevent burnout and enhance productivity.
  • Plan: Planning ahead involves getting your to do list out of your head with a brain dump, prioritizing your task list, and aligning it with your quarterly action plan to prioritize and delegate tasks effectively.
    • This step ensures that your weekly to-dos actually contribute to your larger goals, helping you manage both your business and personal life more efficiently. By breaking down goals into actionable steps, you set a clear path for what needs to be accomplished in the upcoming week.
  • Track: Focusing on tracking requires you to monitor key metrics and progress toward your growth targets, such as email list size, income, or vendor relationships. Keeping a detailed record not only allows you to see the growth but also to strategize on actions needed to further this growth. Updating financial records regularly is also crucial for maintaining a clear understanding of your business’s financial health. Make sure to specifically track your time, conversion rate, and expenses.

Keeping these detailed records not only allows you to see the growth, but it really allows you to strategize and figure out the action steps that you need to take in order to further this growth.

  • Get Strategic: The bulk of the CEO day should be spent on strategizing, which includes developing systems, planning income and marketing strategies, and considering the implementation of consistent, repeatable plans.
    • This stage is about thinking long-term and setting up structures that will support sustainable growth, including planning for upcoming launches or promotions with the goal of making your business operations more efficient and aligned with your vision.


  1. Want to be considered for a FREE Voxer Power Hour – Message me on Voxer (My username is afreehan) or email me at
  2. Looking for tips and strategies for making motherhood and business easier? Join Our Free Community – The Organized Mom Photographer
  3. Need support managing your time well and creating systems to streamline your Photography Business? Join the Efficient Mom Photographer (12 Week Group Coaching Program)
  4. Join the Waitlist for my Free Masterclass, The Profit Shift: 3 Strategies to Optimize Your Limited Time and Maximize Your Revenue as a Mom
  5. Have a question for me? Or a specific struggle you’re dealing with? I’ll address your question on the podcast. Submit your ‘Ask Ashley’ question here
  6. Local to Gilbert/Mesa Arizona (For Mom Business Owners) Join our in person membership community

Goals Simplified Series:

  1. Ep. 167. Goals Simplified – 5 Must-Have Goals for Mom Photographers in 2024
  2. Ep. 168. The Goal that Changes Everything: Goals Simplified Part 2
  3. Ep. 169. Create a Morning Routine that Fosters Wellness: Goals Simplified Part 3

Complimentary Episodes:

  1. Ep 123. What to Do During Your CEO Date
  2. Ep 161. Quarterly Planning Made Simple for Photographers
  3. Ep 83. The Importance of a Personal CEO Date

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My mission is to help fellow mom business owners experience success in business and in motherhood. As an Arizona brand photographer for mompreneurs, I’m passionate about capturing authentic images that show off my clients’ unique personalities so they can connect with their ideal clients. And as an online business coach for mompreneurs, I LIVE for helping mamas experience incredible transformations that help them build a business they love, without sacrificing their precious time with their littles.

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Struggling to juggle your business and family life? Join me  for daily challenges, some of which include a video lesson, containing time-saving systems and strategies to streamline both your business and personal life. In just two weeks, you'll learn how to maximize your productivity, boost your revenue, and finally create the work/life balance you've been craving as a mompreneur.


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