Are you overwhelmed trying to juggle all the things as a mom and business owner? Wishing there was someone who would swoop in and take care of YOU for once?
I’m excited to help you step into the role of CEO in your motherhood and your business.
Are you overwhelmed trying to juggle all the things as a mom and business owner? Wishing there was someone who would swoop in and take care of YOU for once?
Join me every week as I show you how to step into the role of CEO in your motherhood and your business.
Get ready to feel encouraged and empowered with honest truth, mindset shifts, practical tools and strategies to prioritize yourself, enjoy motherhood, and grow a thriving and profitable business.
One of the hardest things about being an entrepreneur is being in charge of all the decisions. Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with the endless decisions? Do you ever feel like there’s just so much pressure with every decision that you make, and you’re just so concerned that you might make the wrong choice? […]
Are you finding it hard right now to prioritize being the CEO in your photography business? Because everything else seems to be so much more important. You have to put out constant fires, you’re always feeling behind with editing and it just feels like there’s never enough time in the day to focus on the […]
Is video marketing apart of your strategy? If you have no idea where to even start, we’ve got you! Today, my guest is Joy Michelle, a fellow photographer, educator and YouTuber who is a happily married mom of two. Through her work, Joy specifically helps photographers to step into the role of Photo Boss, so […]
Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to implement new information that you’re learning and take action? Why it’s so much easier to learn the information, but you just are always wondering why putting that new information into action is a challenge? Today, I really want to chat with you about being ready […]
Ever wanted to know how to stand out from your competition? Well today, my guest is Brooke Jefferson. A happily married mom of two, photographer, business coach and podcaster based in Southwest Oklahoma. She was a former teacher before jumping into this full-time role as a photographer. And is passionate about teaching photographers how to […]
Are you confident in your role as CEO? There is a difference between an employee mindset and a CEO mindset. Most of us are solopreneurs. Some of us have contractors on our team. Some of us have full time team members. But it’s really important that we take on both roles. We are the CEO […]
It can feel really personal sometimes when someone doesn’t want to work with us. Let’s get real. It can feel really frustrating dealing with rejection as a photographer. I really want to shed some light on this topic that I don’t think many people are talking about. I think when we face rejection, we tend […]
Ever wondered how to find balance as a mom and a business owner? As a mom, and a photographer, it can often feel like everything is vying for our attention and it’s really hard to find that balance. In my opinion, there’s no true balance, because that would mean that every single part of your […]
Aundra and I met on Instagram, a while back and instantly became friends. Shortly after meeting her, I hired her on as my Pinterest manager. We worked together for several months before she decided to drive down to AZ to have me shoot these brand photos for her business. Brand photos are the perfect way […]
Toys, shoes, books, blocks! It’s everywhere! Do you ever just feel overwhelmed and frustrated by all of the kid clutter? In today’s episode, my guest is Amy Pottenger. An interior designer who loves helping mompreneurs create empowering home environments. She is happily married for 22 years and she’s a mom of two kids, a daughter […]
How does your portfolio look? Your portfolio should be helping you attract your ideal clients. Today, I’m going to share with you how to market your photography business with an epic, stunning curated portfolio. I’m going to walk you through step by step the decisions that you need to make and the things that you […]
Something I hear from a lot of moms is this myth about their kids holding them back in business. We’re going to bust that myth here today. In Episode 97, we went into detail about the five mindsets that might be holding you back and sabotaging your photography business. Let’s briefly walk through those five […]
My mission is to help fellow mom business owners experience success in business and in motherhood. As an Arizona brand photographer for mompreneurs, I’m passionate about capturing authentic images that show off my clients’ unique personalities so they can connect with their ideal clients. And as an online business coach for mompreneurs, I LIVE for helping mamas experience incredible transformations that help them build a business they love, without sacrificing their precious time with their littles.
I help mom photographers stand out and succeed through strategic business coaching and authentic brand images.
Everything I do stems from my passion for helping mompreneurs build a thriving business they love, while still being the involved mama they want to be. I can’t wait to work together!
I'd love to answer your question live on the podcast. Leave a quick voice message below and feel free to ask anything photography, business, self-care or motherhood related or you can leave me a message about how this podcast has encouraged or challenged you. Please be sure to include your first name and Instagram handle!!